The Palestinian Federation of the Insurance Companies has been practic...
Health Insurance: The health insurance provides medical and health care for individuals in groups, companies, and fou...
Work injury insurance: It is the bodily harm arising from external causes as a result from work on in the process of ...
Vehicle insurance: The most common type of insurance in the world. The types of vehicle insurance applied in Palestin...
Insurance against fire, theft, and additional risks This policy covers losses and damages made to the insured’s...
Life Insurance: It is a contract entered into between the holder of the insurance policy and the insurance company or...
International committees Members of the General Arab insurance Federation: - Mr. Mohammad Al Ri...
The Palestinian Insurance Federation Participate Actively in the various committees of the General Arab Insurance F...
Disciplinary Council The Federations forms a (disciplinary council) which lasts for two years and includes five membe...
Claims Settlement Committee The purpose of this Committee is to resolve issues of common and recovered compensations ...